Getting Back to Built to Last
Every leader carries a toolbox filled with tools they collect over time. I have been on my leadership journey for some time now and have filled my toolbox with the tools that work best for me. They include Stephen Covey’s Speed of Trust, a focus on communication and organizational effectiveness, the marriage of disciplined decision-making and objective critical thinking, Jim Collins’ Built to Last, and most recently, Tugboat Institute’s® framework of the Evergreen 7Ps®. And through my work with each of these tools, there is one more that I have developed myself, over time. I call it the Six Lanes of Logic.
I joined Schaeffer Manufacturing Company as President with the objective of ensuring that this 183-year-old company was in position to last another 180 years or more. My first step was to assess Schaeffer’s readiness to meet this objective. During my first four months, I embarked on a listening tour, and I assessed that trust throughout the organization was low. There was a lack of clarity of roles and no clear communication. As a result, organizational effectiveness and engagement were low. Employees did their jobs without a clear understanding of the larger purpose of the company and how they fit into it. Schaeffer was not in a ‘Built to Last’ position. Thanks to my toolbox, I had the tools to address these issues, so I set to work.
I used these tools to work several initiatives in parallel: re-establish trust, leaning heavily on The Speed of Trust, clarify roles, and re-open the channels of communication. My focus here is the use of the Six Lanes of Logic.
The Six Lanes of Logic is a tool I have had in my leadership toolbox for 20 years, tweaking it and adapting it as I go. It’s a disciplined process for problem solving and decision making. This tool would enable the work of re-establishing organizational effectiveness at Schaeffer, engaging employees across departments, improving our ability to think creatively, and setting a structure in place that would protect what needs to be preserved for the next 100 years, all while leaving space for innovation and growth. The process gathers a representation of all stakeholders involved in the issue at hand and, as a result, touches every aspect of the organization.
The First Lane is where we assemble a representative group of stakeholders to define and agree on what the problem or objective is, agree on key criteria that any solutions must have, and defend why this must be solved with 3-5 logical reasons. This part seems simple, but I find that most of the time, people walk around with a hammer looking for a nail to hit. In other words, they come into the conversation with a solution and are just looking for a problem to apply it to. So, in this first lane, all stakeholders agree what we are coming together to accomplish and get to the ‘how’ only after that is done. At this stage, importantly, we also identify who has decision rights.
In the Second Lane, the group brainstorms options that could achieve the stated objective, but with no critiquing to assure openness, inclusion, and creativity. We have identified the problem we are trying to solve – how might we fix it? With our team, we collect any ideas people want to share, and because we have a group of stakeholders, we have a variety of perspectives represented.
Once all options are identified, we move into the Third Lane. In this lane, we evaluate the options against the criteria we established in Lane One. We lean heavily on data here, because it’s necessary to making sound, solid decisions. There is no room for opinions in this lane.
In Lane Four, we select a path forward and finalize the decision, again as a group. Lane Five operationalizes the decision with metrics to track results. We build our team, our action plan, and our plan to measure the success of the initiative. We get to work.
Lastly, in Lane Six, we a look back at the results of the initiative and examine the process from start to finish. As a group, we aim to understand what we did well and what could be done better. I find this process is key to enabling a critically thinking organization and helps ensure that we learn and improve our processes as we go.
When I first present the Six Lanes of Logic to people, they think it will slow us down. In the early stages, it is indeed slower than processes they have used in the past. But like the Speed of Trust, taking the time to walk through the process carefully from the beginning to the end contributes to improved effectiveness overall. We are less likely to leave gaps in our process, we are more likely to imagine potential problems before they arise, and, best of all, because the process is so collaborative, we engage all stakeholders. When people are contributing ideas to solutions, they have a stake in the outcome and are much more engaged. Every aspect of the process is better.
My philosophy and belief are that organizational structure is the key to building a long-lasting Evergreen® company and the Six Lanes of Logic have helped us set a solid and enduring structure. The discipline behind my tactics at Schaeffer is something the stakeholders have had to work to learn, but now it is becoming automatic. Schaeffer is experiencing a significant increase in trust, it has rediscovered its clarity of purpose, and it is experiencing empowerment across the organization through critical thinking. It is no longer just my initiative; our whole team is now engaged and committed to ensuring that Schaeffer Manufacturing Company is Built to Last for at least another 180 years.
How Old-School Apprenticeship is Shaping Our Future
As an Evergreen® Company, we cherish our independence, our flexibility, and our autonomy. It might, therefore, seem obvious that a partnership with such a structured and bureaucratic organization as a trade union is something we would take great pains to avoid. In fact, the opposite is true.
Chula Vista Electric started in 1925. Like many successful 97 year old companies, we have learned how to react to our environment and adapt as we grow. CVE started as an appliance retail store. As people bought appliances, they needed electricity in their homes to power these devices; this spawned our electrical division, which has been the company’s focus ever since.
In 1945, the need for trained electrical workers was growing in San Diego and so, along with others in our industry group, we started running apprenticeship classes. In 1976, we formalized a partnership with the union; The San Diego Electrical Industry Training Trust was created with equal representation from management (the company owners or NECA) and labor (the union or IBEW). Today, the trust governs our apprenticeship program, which is recognized by the State of California and sponsored by Palomar College. This allows all of our students to not only learn a trade but also to earn college credit towards their Associate of Arts Degree.
Our program has grown and thrived over the years, providing apprentices for 56 electrical contractors in San Diego and Imperial County and has approximately 600 students participating. It’s a unique collaboration. The contractors, who are signatories to the collective bargaining agreement, fund the program. Through the collective bargaining process, we have agreed that for every hour that one of our employees works, 87 cents is invested in a training fund. With this funding, we have been able to build a high-quality, comprehensive program that none of us would have been able to create on our own.
To be accepted into the program, applicants must have a high school diploma or a GED, a year of algebra, and they must take a few basic aptitude tests. If they meet these basic criteria, we invite them to interview. Our program has become so popular that we average 300 applications for every 30 positions available.
Once in the program, apprentices spend five years attending classes two nights a week and working one-year rotations at four or five different companies. There are large shops, small shops, some that do high rises, some that do underground—all the different facets of electrical. Spending time at a variety of companies gives apprentices a deeper and more thorough understanding of the industry. Ultimately, the idea is that they get the theory and science at school, and then practice the hands-on by day out in the field. One of the best parts and a piece of what makes this so valuable is that their school is tuition-free. We call it “Earn While You Learn.”
The impetus for this apprenticeship program has not changed much from what made it so powerful and unique in the early days. Contractors need electricians. We need them to be trained well, uniformly, and thoroughly. It is in the interest of the customers, apprentices, and contractors alike to ensure that we are producing a pool of highly qualified electricians.
It’s a win for our apprentices too. The jobs we create are great middle-class, upper middle-class jobs, with pensions and health care. I'm able to offer not just a job, but a career. We have several people who have been with our company for 25 to 30 years. They are not just employees, but friends.
The risk, of course, is that we put effort, money, and time into training these apprentices, and then, at the end, there is no guarantee we won’t lose them to a competitor. But this is where being an Evergreen company plays to our advantage; we believe we treat our people better than the competition, so we have had great success in recruiting and retaining employees. In addition, we like to promote from within, so the growth doesn’t stop after the apprenticeship is over. Regardless, contributing to something that ensures we will have a deep pool of qualified, talented electricians is easily worth the risk of losing a few people here and there.
Amid the Great Resignation, the value of this program has come into sharper focus than ever. This is an excellent vehicle for developing the talent pool we need to keep growing and thriving. And it just so happens that we've had it up and running successfully for decades, so we're in better shape than most firms today.
My father started his apprenticeship in 1965 and would go on to become sole owner of Chula Vista Electric. A decade ago, he passed the reins on to me—a move that wouldn’t have been possible without my graduation from this same apprenticeship program in 1989.
My role with the apprenticeship program is deeper than most. I’ve been an apprentice, an instructor, and I currently serve as the committee chair overseeing the program. I look back and think that I was very lucky—being accepted to the program myself and getting to do what I love. So much that I encouraged my son-in-law to get involved. He's been through the program and he's now a foreman for my company. My youngest son is currently a fourth-year apprentice for one of my competitors. It’s that rotation part of the program, to make sure he gets a well-rounded training experience–I'll get him back, too. I attribute everything that I have to this program, and everything at our business is built around it. Now, I'm trying to pass down my passion for this unique partnership to the next generation in our company and within our industry group more broadly.
People First Drives Pragmatic Innovation
When you have employees working on oil production platforms and you are committed to People First, every person in your company must be serious about safety.
People First came naturally to Danos when my grandfather and his brother-in-law started the company in 1947; the initial team was almost all family members. By the time the company got big enough to hire from the outside, the culture of care and connection was firmly set. As an Evergreen® company, People First defines and drives everything we do today. It’s in our DNA.
We are in a high-risk industry: operating and maintaining oil platforms, many of which are over 100 miles offshore. We have 2,500 employees today, working across Texas, the Gulf of Mexico, and other remote parts of the country. We attribute much of our success – on the safety front and elsewhere – to the way we lead from a culture and values standpoint. We do this while tapping into our team’s insights, creativity, and ideas and encouraging experimentation with new technologies to bolster safety through Pragmatic Innovation.
Although our early innovations were not technological, they did have a notable impact on safety. The first one that comes to mind happened in the early 1950s. During that time, crew members boarded boats using ladders attached to a vessel's exterior, which was very dangerous. So, we designed and built a tugboat with an innovative safety feature – an interior ladder that brought workers from the pilothouse to the galley and the engine room without going outside.
In the early 2000s, we began hosting Safety Focus forums. These intensive, one-day safety events happen throughout the year in key locations where our employees live and work. The day kicks off with a few safety presentations from management to set the tone, but the event mostly focuses on group work, breakout sessions, and time together. The format allows our employees to experience our culture of collaboration through open and honest communication and relationship building. We teach at these forums, but more importantly, we listen. From experience, we know we can learn as much from our employees on the ground about where we can improve on safety as they can learn from us.
One of our first true technological innovations came years ago as an improvement to something that existed already in our industry called Behavioral Based Safety (BBS). We track near misses–incidents where small changes in conditions could have caused injuries. For example, a common interaction with equipment might result in a brush burn, but the incident makes us realize that the potential for serious harm is there, so we enact changes to the way our people interact with that equipment. Although this practice is standard across the industry, it has always been inefficient and slow. So, we decided to start collecting feedback on forms that we could read with a scantron (a technology innovation at that time) to process more information faster.
More recently, with smartphones, we figured out a way to use a simple app to collect and share the data in real-time, which we use today. All near misses are recorded on the app and reported company-wide immediately; notifications pop up on everyone’s phones. We didn’t invent BBS, but as far as I know, we were the first ones to use an app to create instant push notifications. These experiences with the Safety Focus forums and the app reinforced for our leadership team the importance of involving the entire team in Pragmatic Innovation.
In 2015, we decided to try something new by opening an innovation lab in Louisiana. We bought a drone, virtual reality (VR) goggles, and a 3D printer. We invited employees to explore the new tech tools. No one was sure what we were after at first, but eventually, our team came to understand that this lab was about unleashing their creativity. Their ideas started emerging.
As we began understanding the potential for tapping into our team’s creativity, our IT department took the initiative to help us innovate in safety. They developed a whole new platform to capture, organize, and analyze our safety-related data – near misses, serious accidents, and proactive efforts to prevent incidents. As a result, we ended up with a unique, fit-for-purpose platform that has significantly improved accountability, helps identify risks, and generates risk mitigation actions that keep our team even safer.
More recently, we’ve been working on an exciting technology-enabled safety innovation that leverages VR. We built a virtual oil platform – just like the ones we service and maintain — for employee competency testing and training. So instead of having an experienced trainer and new employee meet at a shore-based heliport, fly out to an oil platform in the middle of the ocean, and verify the new employee’s competency on-site, we can do all of this in our virtual oil platform. It’s much safer and has the added benefit of allowing us to test and train every employee on a much wider variety of equipment and different platforms.
We have taken this program even further by creating animation that allows users to “peel back the layers” of the equipment and see inside to better understand the components and how they function. I did this virtual “peeling of equipment” myself, and it helped me understand the processes we manage in ways I never had before. This innovation has made the training experience for new and returning employees much safer. And it all started with placing a few VR goggles in our innovation lab and creativity being unleashed.
If you are committed to being People First, as we are at Danos, safety is a value. We are proud of the success we’ve had on this front. Our OSHA rate, or rate of accidents per 200,000 employee hours, is among the lowest in the industry. We attribute this success to our 75-year history of People First values and strong culture, enabled by our safety programs and Pragmatic Innovation. When you take care of your people and tap into their energy, ideas, and creativity, things can take off in exciting and unexpected directions. For us, it was safety first. We’ll see what’s next.
Tugboat Institute Gathering of Teams 2022
It took both perseverance and a dedication to purpose to make the 2022 Tugboat Institute® Gathering of Teams possible, but last week we managed to pull it off, and it was outstanding.
At this hybrid event, over 60 people virtually joined the 300 in-person attendees. Between challenges presented by the lingering Omicron surge and supply chain issues that threatened to delay the delivery of materials, we had our work cut out for us, but the dedication and extraordinary care of our entire Tugboat community overcame it all. We are so proud of the efforts of all attendees, and of the fact that our event was such a safe and joyous one. For two and a half days, our members and their teams shared learning, ideas, experiences, and fun and emerged inspired to pursue their Evergreen® goals with renewed passion and energy.
Throughout the event, which was comprised of a mix of TED style talks and smaller, group workshops, we structured our learning around the framework of the Evergreen 7Ps® principles.
After an evening of exploring mini-games and the philosophies behind the Great Game of Business with Steve Baker, Dave Whorton opened the series of TED style talks with a reflection on Purpose. Dave’s talk built on the conversations about Purpose from our visits to Edward Jones and Clase Azul last fall, as well as Hubert Joly’s book The Heart of Business about the improbable, and very Evergreen value-aligned, turnaround of BestBuy.
Borrowing from data shared at Edward Jones, Dave showed the powerful cultural trend of employees working for and customers buying from, referring to, and protecting companies with an authentic Purpose. He spoke to why he believes non-Evergreen companies--whether public, venture-backed, or private equity owned—might state an explicit, noble purpose, but in practice cannot truly be driven by Purpose due a number of dynamics, including their ownership’s expectations of high returns when push-comes-to-shove. His belief is that authentic Purpose can only be protected and honored through all seasons and over decades in a company that remains forever Private with aligned, concentrated ownership.
Dave used his presentation to unveil our new definition of Purpose, grounded in our collective learning as a community over the past eight years: Having a compelling reason for existing--a north star above all else.
Having set the stage for the learning for the rest of the week, Dave introduced five more TED style talks that further expounded on the power and importance of high performance teams, Pragmatic Innovation, leadership lessons, communication strategies, and the Evergreen 7Ps principles.
First, Bryan Papé shared his powerful personal journey founding and scaling MiiR, a company driven by Purpose and undeniable proof that a great consumer products company can be built and scaled without venture capital. Kristi Tacony Humes, 3rd generation CEO of Tacony Corporation, spoke to the importance of continually asking why and seeking ways to continuously improve oneself and one’s company. Rorke Denver, a former US Navy SEAL commander and acclaimed author, actor, and leader shared wisdom on the dynamics and qualities of high-performance teams. Rich Ledbetter, CEO of Guarantee Electrical, shared Simple Tools for leadership and business success gleaned from a variety of thought-leaders throughout his career. And finally, David Bradford, Lecturer Emeritus at Stanford’s School of Business, encouraged us to be more honest than we might have thought possible with our teams, families, and all important relationships.
The afternoon and the morning of the next day were dedicated to workshops that brought together peers from across many different industries. The conversations were rich and offered insight and ideas that energized and inspired the participants. The enthusiasm and energy of the groups, fueled by new connections and the opportunity to share and brainstorm together, were palpable.
One evening, the group headed to the River Ranch Stockyards for a night of festivities. The venue, which included a paddock of long horn steers, cowboys swinging lassos, and burros offering refreshments in their saddle baskets, was the perfect place to enjoy new friendships, reconnect with old friends, and make some memories.
The two and a half days were full, busy, and inspiring. As is the case every time Evergreen company leaders come together, the energy and joy that fuel our unique Evergreen paths exceeded our hopes and expectations. There is no doubt that our movement and our collective commitment to the Evergreen 7Ps principles are steadily gaining momentum, and that our trusted community is profoundly important to our members and their teams.
Teaching Leadership Skills for Success at Work and in Life
At Ayers, an Evergreen® company, an unskilled laborer with minimal education and no management skills can advance, in less than five years, to managing and leading a production team.
There are two critical ingredients for this kind of rapid progress: an eagerness and a willingness to learn, and a grounding in the values of our purpose-driven company. We can’t teach the former, but we can teach the latter, and we do.
In 2019, my son Zack, who is currently our VP of Operations, had just completed a masters-level course in Entrepreneurship and we were looking for ways to handle the pressures of constant hiring and training for our very niche market as we scaled the company. Zack’s experience in the program gave us cause to discuss the leadership lessons he had been studying, and to be reminded how much good leadership is actually grounded in simple skills and old-fashioned values. We came up with the idea of creating a course at Ayers to teach employees these basic life and work skills.
I am a fan of Patrick Lencioni’s The Ideal Team Player, and knew that if we could get people who were “hungry, humble, and smart,” we could tap their potential and help them, and us, create our next line of supervisors and even managers.
With Zack as my partner, we created our Leadership Immersion program. The first course was 13 weeks long, and the homework before the first class was to read Lencioni’s book and do some reflective writing on Ayers’ values and purpose. My son and I taught it ourselves, and we had our whole management team go through it with the first cohort. The lessons were focused on leadership and life skills that not only make employees better leaders, but also better people.
Our curriculum is about professionalism and instilling values and habits which underpin effective leadership. We ask that students come dressed professionally and most wear a coat and tie. Lessons include basics such as time management, success principles, and being a solid team player. But they also include how to run a small team, how to be a good neighbor or spouse, how to budget, and how to be better with money.
Each week, there is homework, reflection, and preparation to do. Joining the program is a significant undertaking and this fact alone helps cultivate a sense of responsibility and dedication to quality that are core values of both Ayers and effective leadership in general. It encourages participants to see themselves in a new light, and to aspire to something greater.
Each session, we admit eight people. We’ve found that a small group allows for more meaningful group discussions, which make up about 50% of the class time. And it doesn’t take too many people out of their usual jobs and leave us overly shorthanded. In terms of who gets into the program, we target junior leaders, most without any education beyond high school, who have been with us for about a year. It feels important to have time to get to know them as human beings, and once we have identified the people with the willingness, ambition, and disposition to grow, we invite them into the course.
For the length of the course, which has grown to 17 weeks, they spend every Friday, from 9am to 3:30pm, in class. Why 17 weeks? The objective of this course is to transform the students into more effective employees and people, and conventional wisdom tells us it takes 17 weeks to create a new habit!
At the end of each course, we host a celebration, and this is the greatest joy for me. Everybody brings their spouse or significant other and we share the growth that has resulted from the course. Typically, not only do course members share how they’ve changed internally as people, but also their families share how much their lives have changed at home. It’s quite profound and can be life changing. Although we are clear that joining the program does not guarantee a promotion, many of them will end up being promoted.
Creating this course has meant a big investment. It’s expensive; after people and the benefits program, it’s our biggest expense. But it’s paying off in spades. Especially in today’s tight labor market, investing in our people has never proven more worthwhile. We know our employees who have been through this program are skilled, aligned with our purpose and values, and exceptional team players. It’s one of the best investments we’ve ever made.
Zack still runs the program, but increasingly, the classes are taught by members of the management team who went through the course in its first cycle. Zach now sits in the back and observes, which I love because that’s a sign it’s working. We are producing leaders who produce leaders.
It’s been so successful in fact, that we’ve just announced a new initiative that is an extension of the Leadership Immersion program. In February 2023, we will launch our first Leadership Immersion Master class for employees ready to look to the next level of leadership within the company.
For anyone thinking about offering a program like this, I think there are two important things to keep in mind. First, there has to be a multiple-year commitment. It takes time to dial in a program that’s a fit for your team. Secondly, as a leadership training program, the buy-in has to start right from the top. Even now, I still attend the class for the first 30 minutes every week, share a story, and draw a connection to the content of the lesson for the day. With this level of commitment, there is no limit to how high that laborer-turned-manager might climb.
Win the Talent War by Investing in People First
Amid the Great Resignation and an overheated talent war we haven’t seen in decades, finding ways to put People First is a vexing question for entrepreneurs in almost every industry. Before I share how we’ve answered it in our Evergreen company, it makes sense to start with a brief history.
My father started Hoffmann Brothers back in 1988. He was a mechanical engineer at the time, working here in St. Louis for Anheuser-Busch, and he worked closely with a mechanical contractor to air condition several of their facilities. He really loved the exposure to the HVAC space. He’d wanted to get in business for himself for some time, so he put in his two-week notice with Anheuser-Busch, joined a small, four-person heating and cooling shop, and enrolled in a local trade school at night—making him the first mechanical engineer with a professional engineer license to enroll in this trade school and complete the program. From the start, the business focused on delivering superior service, and my father realized early on that in order to deliver maximum value, it was essential to attract—and equally important, retain—the right people. The roots of our People First philosophy were there right from the beginning.
My chapter at Hoffmann Brothers began in 2016, when I left the Marine Corps and used the G.I. Bill to attend business school. After graduating, I joined the company along with my brother, who is also a mechanical engineer. As a Marine, I learned what it means to be a servant leader. I was inspired by Simon Sinek's Leaders Eat Last, and I hadn’t just read about it, I had gotten to use it and develop my skills through my time as a Marine. As a result, when I stepped out of the Marines and entered our family business, I had an acute sense of the importance of taking care of one’s team.
During my transition from the Marine Corps to the for-profit world, I quickly learned that the latter does not overly concern itself with the personal lives of team members. Except perhaps when personal lives begin to have a negative effect on productivity in the workplace, “Leave your problems at the door,” whether stated or implied, is a mantra familiar to many businesses.
In the Marine Corps, being “mission ready” meant that your Marines were fully prepared for what was to come, both with respect to the professional competencies that have been honed through rigorous training, and with respect to personal affairs on the home front. As a leader of Marines, I loved that my role meant that I was holistically responsible for the people I led. Leaders of high-performing private businesses must take a similar approach if they wish to persevere in the face of the talent challenges that we face in 2022.
Compensation, Benefits, and Culture
Guided by this mindset, when my brother and I joined the company, we doubled down our father’s value of putting our people first. What does that look like? For starters, we’ve incorporated some traditional techniques, like offering competitive salaries and benefits, but we’ve taken them to the next level. We pay 100% of health insurance for employees and their entire families. Among our peer group in the national market, we are the only company that does this. For family coverage, that's over $16,000 per year per employee. We also offer an 8% 401(k) match and a generous paid vacation, starting on day one. These benefits are expensive, but that's what gets people talking and helps us attract and retain the best talent in the market.
We're a service business, which traditionally means demanding, on-call, 24-hour-service work schedules. But we want to protect our employees’ weekends and late hours as well, so we did something counterintuitive in our industry: we eliminated 24-hour on-call and scheduled calls on Sundays.
As we evaluate expansion markets in new geographies, we consider the opportunity created by the current pay and benefit landscape within a given market. For example, given that our largest constraint to growth continues to be access to the best and brightest talent in the skilled trades, as we look for opportunities to expand, we target markets where the benefits we can offer are not currently offered by existing employers, like our 100% paid health benefits for employees and families. This approach has allowed us to quickly build a strong reputation among the candidate pool in new markets, and therefore we are able to rapidly scale with team members who can meet our high quality and customer service standard.
Internal Talent Pipeline
As the talent pool of skilled trade workers has become increasingly tight, we are asking ourselves the same question a lot of businesses are asking: How do you find really good people? To address this, we’ve taken our People First mindset a step further. Over the past two decades, our society has encouraged people to attend four-year universities, where they walk away up to $150,000 in debt, rather than pursue trade careers that pay incredibly well and come with a significantly lower cost of education. But even the cost of trade school, which can be around $20,000, is prohibitive for some, especially for 30- and 40-somethings with families who want to switch careers. The result is that there are not enough HVAC technicians, plumbers, or electricians in the country right now. Rather than fight for a finite number of workers, we’re digging our own well.
How? We are building our own school. Our approach is simple: we've identified a minimum set of competencies that are necessary to create a technician capable of producing independently. If you come to our school, we will equip you with that set of competencies and we are going to do that in just 16 weeks. And we're going to pay you $18/hour while you're doing it. When you graduate, you're on the path to an $80,000 or $90,000 job within four years. While it appears to be an expensive investment, I find it a highly attractive program for finding, developing, and retaining great new team members who I hope will make a career out of working at Hoffmann Brothers.
Another part of this initiative targets employees at the leadership level. In 2022, we are investing heavily in leadership development in order to allow leaders at every level of our business to reach their full potential. Our leadership program was developed through a comprehensive design process, which began with the identification of our ‘core business drivers.’ We then mapped these core business drivers to a specific set of leadership competencies at all levels within our organization. For example, the “executive” leadership competency model will look different than our “field manager” leadership competency model. Having identified the competencies, we can now shift our focus to curriculum design and delivery. It took our field managers over ten years to become masters of their trade, and as they transition to their new leadership roles, we must be just as intentional about their leadership development as we have been about their technical skills progression.
Signs of Success
We are, of course, interested in evaluating how well our efforts and investments are working, and how they are paying off. On the employee satisfaction side, the statistic I am most proud of is our retention rate. Pre-COVID, our retention rate was 96%. Despite all the madness in the job market now, we’re still at 88%. In light of the challenges we’re facing, including the intense competition for talent, we feel great about that number.
In 2016, we had 50-55 employees and we were a $10 million business. Today, we have expanded into Nashville and grown locally, we have 300 employees, and we ended 2021 as a $55 million business. We’ve experienced 30% organic growth each year since 2016, and in 2022 we are budgeted to reach $78 million across our St Louis and Nashville markets. It appears to be working.
Evergreen® Takeaways
What we know and what we have learned as an Evergreen company is that employees today are not just looking to clock in and out and collect a paycheck. There must be Purpose behind the work that they are doing and the company that employs them. They have to feel that they are part of a collective effort, working in a place that cares about them and develops them, and where they can make a difference.
Every business in the world likes to say they’re People First. It’s easy to say. Find me a business that doesn’t say it. But how does People First actually show up in your business? For us, it’s several good, caring ideas executed well.
Cogitate and Celebrate Your Purpose
I decided to go back to the basics for the first Evergreen Journal® of 2022 and examine what sustains our vital community of over 220 members. Our membership represents companies from 32 industries operating under the leadership of CEOs and Founders determined to make the world a better place. What I found is that the common denominator of these leaders is their unwavering dedication to the Evergreen 7Ps® principles of Purpose, Perseverance, People First, Private, Profit, Paced Growth and Pragmatic Innovation. Therefore, I think it is fitting for this first missive of the year to start at the beginning, with the principle of Purpose.
Purpose. It is what inspired me to embark on a learning journey nine years ago. It is what guided me to assemble a group of like-minded CEOs and Founders for the first Tugboat Institute® Summit in 2013. It is the cornerstone of the Evergreen 7Ps principles. And, I believe, it is the North Star to which we need to look as we review the past year and embrace the new one.
When COVID-19 disrupted the world in 2020, our membership immediately implemented three key strategies—protecting the financial integrity of their business, keeping their teams safe and as intact as possible, and using pragmatic innovation to flip from defense to offense. These same pillars sustained them through 2021 as the ripples of the pandemic caused crippling interruptions in the supply chain, hiring shortages, and inflation. And as fatigue sets in from the havoc brought on by the latest COVID strain, it is the underlying purpose of these companies that will continue to guide their leaders and teams through these extraordinary circumstances and beyond.
This adherence to purpose was perfectly illustrated during our 9th Tugboat Institute Exemplar Visit to Edward Jones in October 2021. Penny Pennington, the firm’s sixth managing partner and a fellow Tugboat Institute member, personally hosted this deep dive into an Evergreen® company that has been in business for 100 years as of this month. During the experience, Penny shared her primary leadership objective to move the century-old company from a mission-driven firm to a purpose-driven one, where Edward Jones’ purpose sits at the headwaters of the firm’s culture, strategy, trade-offs, and execution.
This kind of intimate access to a like-minded peer running an Evergreen company that spans two-thirds of the US is what educates and emboldens our members as they build their own business with the intention to have it last beyond their lifetime. And it is the kind of unique experience we expect to receive this coming October, when the membership travels to Salt Lake City for the 10th Tugboat Institute Exemplar Visit at O.C. Tanner.
Established in 1927, O.C. Tanner is a global leader in software and services that improve workplace cultures. Its Culture Cloud employee recognition platform improves the employee experience, boosts productivity, and increases employee retention. Their annual Global Culture Report is an in-depth look into workplace issues based on data gathered from 21 countries. The research from this annual report provides businesses with critical insights and relevant tools for navigating an ever-evolving, post-pandemic work environment—such as the “Great Resignation” phenomenon. Findings from their past reports point to the fact that, “Employees innately desire to connect to something bigger, something more important than themselves. Most don’t come to work just for a paycheck. They don’t work passionately towards a goal that is only about profit maximization. They come to make an impact, help others, and change the world.”
I, too, believe that Purpose is a touchstone, not only for employees, but also for Evergreen leaders, their families, their shareholders, and the communities that surround their businesses. Purpose is more important than any one individual and its end contribution to the world is so much more than one company having one fiscally good year.
As we enter a new year, I encourage you to take a moment and go back to the beginning. Reflect on your company’s Evergreen Purpose. Is it articulated clearly and understood deeply within your organization? Is it a fundamental part of your culture? Is it experienced by the people inside and outside of your business? Is it celebrated?
Dave Whorton is the Founder and CEO of Tugboat Institute.
Partners At Work & Home: Insight Into Building An Evergreen Company With Your Spouse
When Dan and Tracey Pilone made the decision to cofound their software company, Element 84, they had a good sense of how their skills and character traits would complement one another in a work setting.
The couple had co-written two textbooks—one on algebra (Tracey has master’s degree in education) and one on iPhone applications (Dan’s a computer scientist)—and that experience offered an early glimpse into their professional compatibility.
“The experience of co-authoring the books was really a microcosm of everything that came after,” Dan says. “For both books, we put a plan together, executed the project, and were able to see how our work habits and patterns allowed us to be an effective team.”
Where Dan admits to going all in on an idea from the beginning and being prone to all-nighters, Tracey is more cautious, methodical, and process oriented. That balance has served the couple well over the 11 years they have led Element 84, growing the company from five to over 50 employees.
Today, Tracey serves as President, leading business operations, and Dan is CEO/CTO, running the technology side of the company. The couple has two teenage children, and they are continually navigating the shared responsibilities of business and family. As they reflect on their decision to found and lead a company together, both are aware of the lessons they’ve learned the hard way in creating a successful partnership at home and at work—and the gifts of the experience.
Two Different Approaches To Risk Have Promoted Sustained Growth
Dan is more risk tolerant than Tracey is and says that he generally approaches things with the perspective of, ‘how hard could it be?’. He gets passionate about projects and tends to be ready to jump right in.
Tracey’s instinct to ask the important questions and think through the long-term consequences of decisions is an important counter to Dan’s enthusiasm. When there's a new opportunity that they want to go after together, and Dan is ready to dive in, Tracey will ask: “Is this sustainable? How are we going to grow this?” She lives in the details of execution.
In describing the benefit of the balanced approach of their leadership, Dan says, “I like thinking of us as the balloon and the string—I’m the balloon and Tracey is the string, grounding us. That partnership dynamic lets me reach a little further than I would be able to otherwise, and she probably executes more caution than she might without my buoyancy. Together, at the end of the day, we end up somewhere in the middle, which allows us to continually drive the company forward in a sustainable way.”
Creating Clear Boundaries Around Work And Home Life is Essential
Dan and Tracey have worked to create clear guardrails around work and home life, a lesson they initially learned the hard way.
The couple learned early on that they would need to establish boundaries around bringing work into life at home; otherwise, work would consume them. Over time, they found that designating specific physical spaces at home where they would discuss work (in their home office or outside) and keeping the other areas in their home dedicated to personal and family life created a helpful separation.
Early experience also led to a discussion around how and when to introduce potentially stress-inducing work topics that arise after hours. “Tracey has had to tell me to stop reviewing contracts and emails on my iPad in bed because if I see something that’s newsworthy, she’s going to see it all over my face, which is not a good thing at 11 p.m.” If something comes up after the couple is home, they will often email the other person so it can be handled the next day instead of starting a conversation.
One practice that has helped Dan and Tracey avoid spillover of work into home life has been to schedule a weekly standing meeting. While that might be obvious for co-founders who don’t live together, creating scheduled, structured time allows them to compartmentalize and set an effective agenda. Instead of a continual, ongoing conversation about work that can seep into family time, they have established discipline that makes those conversations more efficient and leads to more effective planning and action.
Setting clear expectations around family travel to ensure they are actually able to have time off together has also been an important lesson. After one week-long vacation early on that Tracey describes as “a train wreck,” in which they both worked 40 hours, the couple now plans ahead to set clear guidelines for if and how work will factor. If Dan is planning to check work email early each day, he’ll let Tracey know, and Tracey will be clear about what, if any, information she wants to be made aware of during the time away.
Modeling Effective, Transparent Communication Has Enhanced Company Culture
As a couple, Dan and Tracey appreciate engaging in respectful debate and offering one another constructive feedback, which they have modeled in team discussions from the beginning. For Dan, receiving feedback and engaging in productive debate is actually key to his decision-making process.
“Tracey and I interact this way with each other in meetings—as we do at home—openly disagreeing at times but always open to the other’s perspective. I think people who are new to the team sometimes sit back and wonder what’s going to happen, but what they ultimately realize is that it’s a productive dynamic at our company, and setting that precedent offers other people in the company permission to engage in that way. We’ve modeled that we can disagree, but at the end of the day, we’re going to reach consensus and respect and support the final decision.”
In fact, if the couple cannot reach consensus about a decision, they engage the leadership team in the discussion, providing valuable objective perspective. Developing a leadership team that can serve in that capacity and help provide support and expertise across the company has been essential in growing the business he and Tracey started as a team of two.
In addition to ensuring the leadership team plays a role in decision making, Dan and Tracey have also implemented a culture and specific processes to make sure employees feel safe to offer feedback or to address issues that might arise. The company has an email application that allows for anonymous suggestions or concerns, and they conduct an annual survey managed by an external provider, which creates a formal feedback loop on a regular cadence. In addition to those formal processes, both Dan and Tracey have made themselves available and open to receiving feedback about the other and addressing any concerns that arise.
Shared Victories And Flexible Work Enhance Family Life
While there are inevitable challenges in sharing a company and a family, Tracey says that the benefits and joy of the experience outweigh the challenges. “When we started the company, our kids were young. I was freelancing at the time, and I wanted to maintain a flexible schedule, so we baked that into the company. I think our kids benefitted from that early choice, and there’s no way I would have had the career I’ve shaped for myself without having started our own company.”
The benefit of being a flexible, present parent has been enhanced by the experience of celebrating company wins as a family. When the company earns a new contract or experiences another success, bringing that accomplishment home to celebrate together is a special, shared experience.
Dan says that building something together has been a gift. “I could not have created Element 84 the way that we did it with anybody else. To be able to work on this thing that you care passionately about, and which takes so much energy, with my best friend has been amazing. I could not have been as invested in it with anybody else. It just wouldn't be the same.”
Dan and Tracey Pilone are Co-founders of Element 84, Inc.
Tugboat Institute 5HQ @Clase Azul
When the global pandemic hit in March of 2020, it was clear that Tugboat Institute® needed to reimagine how members could safely connect and learn from each other. Armed with a little pragmatic innovation, the Tugboat Institute @5HQ series was launched in October 2020. This unique program was a twist on our traditional Fall Exemplar visit. Instead of diving deep into one Evergreen® company, members had the ability to choose a more intimate experience with one of five companies based in five different regions of the US, with morning presentations live streamed to those who could not join in person. More importantly, each of the five host companies was run by a Tugboat Institute member—delivering on the intention to create a rich, robust, and relatable peer-to-peer experience while honoring health and safety protocols.
Each participating company opened their doors to lay bare their histories, cultures, best practices, missteps, key learnings and long-term goals. In return, hosts received the benefits of honest, straightforward feedback from fellow tribe members along with valuable insight on potential blind spots through Tugboat Brain Trust exercises.
The final @5HQ visit took place with Clase Azul in New York on November 19, 2021. Technically the festivities started the night before with a gourmet dinner hosted by Clase Azul Founder and CEO, Arturo Lomeli, and President, Juan Sanchez. Each course of the meal was paired with a Clase Azul premium tequila and a colorful telling of the spirit’s backstory. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The following day Arturo and Juan warmly welcomed Tugboat Institute members in-person and virtually to their new Clase Azul Loft in Brooklyn—a first as the space had not yet been opened to the public. The schedule included the highs and lows of Arturo’s personal journey starting the company in 1997, the pivotal decision to partner with his brother-in-law, Juan, in 2002 and the constant evolution of the Clase Azul brand that currently includes six companies—alcoholic beverage production, two import companies, an artisanal ceramic factory, a non-profit organization, and a third-division football team.
Throughout the day, Arturo and Juan candidly discussed their audacious goal to build the first Mexican luxury house. They also shared the secret to their successful partnership—trust and balance. Arturo sets the "what" and Juan sets the "when". According to Arturo, “We maximize the strengths of each other.” Juan took a more philosophical approach by comparing their relationship to the ancient Chinese yin and yang concept—or as Juan puts it, “yin and Juan”. Regardless of the description, it was clear that both men were deeply aligned and commitment to their company’s mission—to share happiness and captivate the world through the magic of Mexican culture.
We are grateful to all the members who hosted and participated in the Tugboat Institute @5HQ series. The exchange of knowledge, the support and the comradery that is at the heart of all Tugboat Institute events was particularly present during the behind-the-scenes look at these five member companies. A perfect example of Evergreen leaders at their best. Salut!
Susanne Lally is Director of Marketing and Partnerships at Tugboat Institute
A 100-Year-Old Company’s Plan To Reach Its 200th Anniversary
Our company, HB Global, provides commercial and residential mechanical, electrical, and plumbing construction, installation, and service. We have been growing for over 100 years and we plan to continue to grow for the benefit of our employee owners for another century—at least.
Founded in 1914 by Herbert Bassett McClure, the company initially grew at a slow and steady pace, becoming a household name as a residential service business in the central Pennsylvania market. From the 1960s through the early 2000s, Bill and Bob McClure led successively with a growth mindset, expanding the business to include commercial contracting.
When I joined the company in 2008, right before the Great Recession, it was a roughly $30 million business. In 2021, we expect to do about $400 million. We average about 10 percent organic growth each year, and we’ve made 18 acquisitions since 2011.
We prioritize growth for two key reasons, and both revolve around our people. First, as a People First, Evergreen® company, we empower our employee owners to make this a great place to work —where they can thrive, embrace opportunity, and develop their careers. Second, we want to create long-term value for our employee owners, providing individuals who work for an HB Global company financial security now and in retirement through our Employee Ownership Stock Plan (ESOP).
Growing A Great Place To Work
Over the course of my career, I’ve been through periods at other organizations during which, whether due to factors within a company or as a result of external market forces, a business was stagnant. And maybe it’s due to my personality, but I have never been happy if I don’t have an opportunity to grow and learn.
I want the same for our team. At HB Global, we want people to feel energized by the dynamic, positive momentum generated by growth. We want to create a company that breeds excitement and energy, a place and a mission that inspires people to contribute each day because they have a collective stake in our success.
Growth is also critical in allowing our organization to continually offer team members new opportunities for challenge in their professional lives, which leads to greater job satisfaction and better overall quality of life. Whether a person is offered a stretch assignment, a new role, or an opportunity to gain expertise in an entirely new area as the company expands, growth allows employees to develop professionally and personally.
Growing To Create Long-Term Value For Employee Owners
We transitioned from private, family ownership to 100 percent ESOP in 2010, and creating long-term value for our employee owners is another significant factor in our desire to grow.
Among the management team, the transition to ESOP instilled a new focus on taking actions that would create value for our employee owners. When we had a stock price and could observe the impact of specific actions on that price, we became hyper-focused on growth. We saw that connection initially on organic growth, and as we started to do acquisitions, because of how the valuation process works with an ESOP, we could actually put a dollar figure on the value that was created from the acquisitions, adding fuel to our fire for growth. To see the impact on an individual’s retirement as the company grows and the value of their stock rises is pretty phenomenal.
Pacing Our Progress
We’ve had a lot of success with acquisitions, and it’s exciting to see the impact of that growth. But we recognize that there is real risk when you start to think you have the Midas touch. That’s about the time you start to have real problems.
We aim to maintain a paced approach to growth in two essential ways. First, we closely manage our debt to EBITDA level. Second, we keep an eye on culture, and we are very intentional about acquiring only companies that align with our values of trust, team, grit, and growth. We put a lot of energy into the due diligence process of each acquisition. We are committed to assessing the values and culture of each potential acquisition. At each step of the process, as a team, we are asking, “is this really going to work post-transaction?”
We don’t have any trouble saying no to a deal if we feel that alignment in values is missing. We’re not in a race to grow for growth’s sake—we want to be sure we’re maintaining the values and culture we’ve built over 100 years.
Navigating The Challenges And Change That Come With Growth
I don't think there's any doubt that while we've been growing through acquisitions for 10 years, we are still learning every day and balancing our desire for growth with our awareness of potential pressures and pitfalls. We’re asking ourselves all the time, what is that optimal growth level? How much can we handle?
In our current discussions, the biggest challenge we are navigating is the optimal level of autonomy among our divisions and how we will develop and scale our leadership and operations team as we grow. We have eight divisions operating in eight states and in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and we are thinking through how much institutional control we want to implement over those divisions.
I have served big bureaucratic organizations and have seen the plus side of more corporate governance as well as the downside. Today, we have a fairly small team at our operational headquarters, and I have a tendency to err on the side of caution when adding more managerial process to what we're doing. But I also know that our operations team wants us to be world class and make an impact as we grow, so we are consistently debating where we should implement more structure or process and how much to centralize as we grow.
Leading Growth
As an Evergreen® leader, I’m grateful for the flexibility of a long-term, paced approach to growth. We want HB Global to be around 100 years from now, and I’m going to keep leading with that long-term time horizon in mind. As we continue to grow, my goal is to empower our team to take the actions that will maximize the experience of our employee owners and keep our values at the core.
Bob Whalen is President and CEO of HB Global, LLC.